Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Post #9

Blog Post #9

            The guest speaker on Friday, Annette shared a wonderful story of four sisters that were adopted from Ukraine. It was a miracle how one adoption led to the other ones. Who would ever think that they would all end up in the United States and yet be very close to one another (living distance)? Just hearing their stories of how they end up at the orphanage was heartbreaking and it was more devastating when they can possibly go their different ways to find a home. They also lived at the institution for five years and the living condition was not that great.

            While being in the institution, the girl’s best interest standard was not met. Even though the four girls were removed from their home, they were not “Given care, treatment, and guidance that will assist this child in developing into a self-sufficient adult” (Moral Principals and Rights Handout). They did not have accessed to take a shower whenever they want except when in the summer they can swim in the lake. Thankfully, they were all adopted and this was the best interest in the child because they would be given a family and a stable home.

            Some ethical concern was that they lied about the health issue of the girl (cannot recalled which one but maybe it was Marina). They said that she needed urgent care in the United States so the adoption process would take place because if the child was healthy then they would not need to be adopted. But again, does this mean that the healthy children do not deserve a family because they are healthy and cannot get the help they want? I suppose it was alright too lied in some circumstances if the child was more important than the regulations that they have to follow.  
Chia C.

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