Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bog Post 4) option 2

Phil was great getting us engaged with his presentation. He brought up so many different things that I never knew about. Phil made me want to keep learning about current events that deal with these types of issues. It felt great to hear and to know about these issues. There were several things that caught my surprise about how gays do not have the right to privacy and on top of that they were labeled as sex criminals and that if you are gay that you have HIV. Phil was speaking about the past but, when I think about it how much of this is true and is what many people think of today. Everyday seems like a fight and the fights turn into battles. Like the man Gary who Phil mentioned didn't have the right to privacy and he didn't just accept that and he took it to another level to challenge authority. Just think if you were denied your right to privacy. I would be very angry. How can we be fair and say we have equality when really we don’t? 

Another interesting point Phil mentioned was that people think that gays don't have "Family Values." This is completely false. Even heterosexuals don't have the perfect family and some end up getting divorced. Family values come from our parents and generations past down from tradition/ culture. I myself do not have a problem with LGBT but, my mom is religiously against it. She does not approve of it and thinks it is a sin. I am sure many other people have this same reason. This is why it is difficult for same sex marriage to be legalized and makes it even harder when they do not have the same rights and health benefits. Think of ethics and morals here. I mean should they start lying that they are related to see their partner in the hospital and because that is the only way they can visit them? If they wanted health insurance for their partner is that so wrong? Are the rules that the government has made really ethical? How can we tell right from wrong?

-Ka L.

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