Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog Post #2 Option 4

Blog Post #2 Option 4

The article pointed out many ideas regarding women who are single and pregnant and how they are being viewed as. But one of the statement that stood out was “That the incidence of adoption, that is, the transfer of babies from women of one social classification or group (within the same country or transnationally), may be very accurate index of the vulnerable status of women in the country of the birthmothers.” (Solinger, pg. 67) My interpretation of this statement suggests that women who give up their child for adoption will have some kind of label on them. Labeling someone can put them on the spotlight and in turn question about what they did. This can be uncomfortable because then they will wonder if what they did is right or wrong.

Another statement that I find surprising is “Girls and women who became pregnant while unmarried (and had no prospects that the father would make them “honest women”) were products of poor environments and the weakened  moral and physical fiber that resulted from growing up in urban slums, with for example, alcoholic parents and subnormal IQs.” (Solinger, pg.69) I disagree with this statement because there are many reasons to why a woman would get pregnant. This can be either positive or negative depending on the situation or how someone looks at the outcome. Without knowing the whole story before coming to a conclusion is a bit judgmental.  I think that by judging someone who you do not know is not fair because they are being treated differently from others without getting them an opportunity to explain.  Also, why do we need a definition for a single mother who is pregnant? In some kind of way, it is almost like degrading them of who they are and for them to feel powerless in society.
Chia C.

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